The living room is the center of your living space. There is no other just like yours, they come in a lot of forms, shapes and sizes. No matter how big or small, yours is the ultimate space to reflect the real you. All other rooms serve a special purpose, the kitchen, the sleeping room, the bathroom, ... unlike any other, the living room can be almost anything you want it to.
Just like the living room, sexuality is the center of our selves. There is no other just like yours, and sexualities too come in a lot of forms, shapes and sizes. No matter how big or small, sexuality is the least goal oriented aspect of your self. It engages the most varied combinations of all your senses: listening, seeing, speaking, tasting, touching, groping and much, much more. It is literally a body-mind experience and as such belongs to the most profound means of experiences and expressions at your disposal. The deeper you immerse yourself, the more you will discover the real you, and it is the most satisfying when done playfully and without purpose. It is up to you to make it what you want it to be for you.
Sexuality is the ultimate art-form and a state of mind.
Sexuality is the living room of the soul.
Welcome to the litEROTICon.
And there is more to come.